• September 7, 2024

Three Books Published By Cosmic Monolith Are Live On Amazon Now

Alright, after a lot of hard work the next three books published by Cosmic Monolith are out now and live on Amazon.com — Check out the links and descriptions below…,

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Blood On The Screen, Blood On The Page


On the surface ‘Blood On The Screen, Blood On The Page’ examines the role of violence in cinema , as well as American society, and how it influenced the writing of outlaw poet Todd Moore. On a deeper level, through poetry and essay, the book examines the role the villain plays in American society and pop culture. Cinematic violence and the outlaw portrayed as “anti-hero” both entertain and horrify us at the same time.
Finally, ‘Blood On The Screen, Blood On The Page’ takes a hard look at the state of small press poetry and asks this question: Is it still impactful or has it lost its edge? As Moore often said, the blood of poetry demands honesty and emotion.

The Collected Essays of Todd Moore: Volume I


Todd Moore was a purist at heart when it came to the art of poetry and prose. To say he took the craft of writing seriously is an understatement. The Collected Essays of Todd Moore, Volume I, is a showcase for Moore’s vision of what poetry should be. To him it was more than just words on a piece of paper, it was a living, breathing entity.

A poem should wreck you, it should devastate you, it should demand emotion from you. My father often remarked that a good poem should hit you like a bullet. The Collected Essays of Todd Moore, Volume I also provide an in-depth and comprehensive look at the outlaw poetry genre. He doesn’t just give you a glimpse of this rebel literary movement, he makes you an insider, he breaks it down for you, he explains what it is in detail.

Black Cat In The Super Unknown


Black Cat In The Super Unknown is 11 poems of experimental, psychedelic writing honoring a bygone era in the author’s life once filled with special people and unique places which continue to inspire and push his limits of creativity right up to the present day. The writing also pays homage to a diverse genre of music and movies which have provided endless entertainment and inspiration as well. Be warned, the trips have just begun.

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