When Dungeons And Dragons and heavy metal collide: The intersection of gaming and music”

I did a series of articles for New Noise Magazine a few years ago about bands and musicians who game, specifically with Dungeons and Dragons but other fantasy role playing games with a slight foray into video games as well. Below are the links to each article. I do intend to continue this series here on Cosmic Monolith so keep an eyeball out for new interviews appearing in the (somewhat) near future.

“When Dungeons And Dragons and heavy metal collide: The intersection of gaming and music” Part 1 Featuring interviews with bands Gygax, Greyhawk, Temple Of Void, and Throne Of Iron

“When Dungeons And Dragons and heavy metal collide: The intersection of gaming and music” Part 2
Featuring interviews with D&D royalty, Ernie Gygax (son of Dungeons and Dragons creator Gary Gygax); bands Lords Of The Trident, and Knights Of The Forge

“When Dungeons And Dragons and heavy metal collide: The intersection of gaming and music” Part 3:
Featuring interviews with gamer Stefan Pokorny, and bands Summoning The Lich and Sarcoptes

“When Dungeons And Dragons and heavy metal collide: The North Hammer Saga” Featuring an interview the band Northhammer